Zander Calfee
Mr. Bursch
Biology 1 (1)
One person that I know that has worked with plants is my mom she has had many experiences
with gardening. She has had a personal garden and also a garden at a school, her relation to me is that
she is my mother. My person experience with gardening has been limited to looking at my moms
garden and occasionally helping out. Another experience I’ve had with gardening is trying to grow
small plants in my room however this usually doesn’t work out because I forget to water them. That
is someone that I know that has had experience gardening and my personal experience gardening.
Mr. Bursch
Biology 1 (1)
One person that I know that has worked with plants is my mom she has had many experiences
with gardening. She has had a personal garden and also a garden at a school, her relation to me is that
she is my mother. My person experience with gardening has been limited to looking at my moms
garden and occasionally helping out. Another experience I’ve had with gardening is trying to grow
small plants in my room however this usually doesn’t work out because I forget to water them. That
is someone that I know that has had experience gardening and my personal experience gardening.
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