I’ve noticed that my kale plants are growing rapidly amongst grasses. It’s green and starting to show the texture of kale. Our plants are contributing to the water cycle by removing water from the ground and providing transpiration to the air. Due to them contributing to the water cycle they’re given the very life essential liquid, water. Without water they would shrivel up quickly. Our plants also contribute to the carbon cycle by taking in carbon and producing oxygen for other organisms to breathe. Due to them taking in carbon they grow being able to provide their own food source along with sunlight. Finally they contribute to the nitrogen cycle by taking in nitrogen from the soil and use it to help make their own food. Nitrogen is also passed on to other organisms that eat plants or when a plant dies and decomposes that nitrogen is reused by other plants. Without our plants taking a part in the nitrogen cycle they would die of starvation. This is why when one of the plants die it helps grow others.
Madex Kim Period #1 Should Access To Healthy Food Be A Right For Everyone? The idea of eating healthy is advertised throughout the media. If you don’t eat healthy your labeled as fat or having a body to shame. However we are overlooking an essential part and that is the cost. Healthy food is expensive whether it’s fresh vegetables, organic fruits, whole grain loafs, or lean meats. Although many of us can easily purchase these food items there are others who can’t. These people are the poor, the immigrants, or labor workers. They’re people who are in situations we may not understand. Some wake up and work all day just to receive little pay. Which is why such people go down the path of eating unhealthy. Why pay for just a head of broccoli when you can pay for a Double Quarter Pounder with fries and a soda at the same price. Healthy foods need to be a right for all to receive because it’s in fact beneficial to all! Providing healthy foods to all is in fact ...
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