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SOTS #4 An Ecological Analysis of the Garden And Our Plants

   Our plants depend on a variety of factors both abiotic and biotic. Abiotic factors include for example sunlight. The amount of sunlight affects the plant’s ability to provide food for itself through photosynthesis. Also temperature greatly affects plants because if it gets too cold the plants will die. The amount of rain or nitrogen present in soil are other very important factors as well. Biotic factors on the other hand include predation by insects or voles. If there are too many of these organisms then the plants all get eaten. Another biotic factor is the plants themselves competing for space and food. Larger plants will dominate other more small unsuccessful plants.

  The plants are indeed in competition with each other. They’re competing for room to grow and resources like sunlight and nitrogen. The larger plants are more likely to grow and become successful. The others may die of suffocation or lack of resources.

  Winners and losers are determined by which individual plants survive and grow to large size. Currently the struggle is going on and it isn’t determined clearly. Determination can become complicated due to so many different factors for example the larger plants may get eaten by predators like a vole. The smaller plants could then rise up and “win”.

  Besides competition between each other the plants are also preyed on by other creatures. However there are even more interaction between the plants and other organisms. Fungi can use plants as hosts much like a parasite. Bacteria or viruses can infect plants and kill them or make them useless. We humans also interact with plants by growing them and harvesting them for food or other supplies.

  There is noticeable succession in the garden. The plants are growing and some appear to be thriving judging on their size. Other organisms are seen in the garden not just the brassica oleracea. Insects are more common along with other plants. This seems to be more secondary succession. In the garden the soil is dry yet yielded small plants and decaying plant matter. Small insects were seen at that time so at one point the garden was very alive and healthy. Now it is becoming more of an ecosystem.


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