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tsots #6 how does your garden grow?

1. How is your plant (or any plants in our garden, for that matter) getting bigger and adding biomass? Your explanation should correctly use the terms and concepts of cell division (mitosis)photosynthesis, and cellular respiration?

My groups plants have continued growing and gaining biomass through photosynthesis and cell division. The plants grow through photosynthesis by absorbing light water and CO2 and turning it into sugar and oxygen. The plants then use cellular respiration to break the sugar up and are captured as form of ATP. The plants also produce PKG and Rubisco during photosynthesis. Rubisco is a enzyme involved in the first major step of carbon fixation and PKG is used to convert bisphosphoglycerate into 3-phosphoglycerate in glycolysis. If a signal was sent to the nucleus to make more enzymes the plants would absorb more light energy.


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