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Showing posts from October, 2019

Tsots #3 Zander Calfee

Zander calfee 10/22/19 Bio-1(1)        1 one change that I noticed was that out plant wasn’t getting bigger like before but our neighbor’s plant was becoming very big I think our plant is competing with the other plants and losing . 2. The plant’s role in the water cycle is transpiration they absorb water through the ground and then it evaporates through the leaves.  3. They absorb carbon through the air from animals carbon dioxide and then they give oxygen to the animals which make more carbon dioxide.i think the other plants big leaves are covering our plants leaves so it can’t get carbon dioxide  4.our plant uses nitrogen from the ground for energy than that energy is eaten by animals than they poop nitrogen which is absorbed through the ground. I think that are not getting nitrogen because the other plant is taking it from the ground.

TSOTS #3 Will B

This week our crop of kale was raided by a variety of insects and mice/ birds. Our group has had to replant and have one remaining plant growing. Our groups single plant is leafy green and has a red/purple stem and is about 7 inches tall. The plants role in the water  movement is its transpiration. the plant takes in some of the water we give it and the other percentage transpirates. We can see this in the plants growth. Another cycle our plants go through is the carbon cycle. Through photosynthesis the plants take in carbon dioxide and combine it with water to make sugars and oxygen. I have seen this in our by because its growing. We can see the nitrogen cycle in our plants growth. The plants absorb the nitrates from the soil into their roots.

SOTS #4 Leo Alexander

T he abiotic factors that our plant depends on are sun, which gives them the energy to photosynthesize, water, that keeps them hydrated, and temperature, so they don't burn up or freeze. Some biotic factors are soil,  so they can get nitrogen, and other plants, because those other plants cold take away some nutrients. The plants we grew are also engaged in competition with the weeds around them. They are competing for sun, water, and soil. We know they are in competition because they are both trying to fill the same niche, and each plant wants the same resources. When two different types of organisms compete, sometimes it takes minutes, sometimes it takes eons, but most of the time there is a winner. The winner gets to keep the niche, and gets all the resources they were competing for. The loser dies, or has to emigrate to a different habitat. But sometimes it's not that easy. If the loser has children before it dies, and the winner stays childless, than who is the real wi...

SOTS #4 An Ecological Analysis of the Garden And Our Plants

   Our plants depend on a variety of factors both abiotic and biotic. Abiotic factors include for example sunlight. The amount of sunlight affects the plant’s ability to provide food for itself through photosynthesis. Also temperature greatly affects plants because if it gets too cold the plants will die. The amount of rain or nitrogen present in soil are other very important factors as well. Biotic factors on the other hand include predation by insects or voles. If there are too many of these organisms then the plants all get eaten. Another biotic factor is the plants themselves competing for space and food. Larger plants will dominate other more small unsuccessful plants.   The plants are indeed in competition with each other. They’re competing for room to grow and resources like sunlight and nitrogen. The larger plants are more likely to grow and become successful. The others may die of suffocation or lack of resources.   Winners and losers are determined by w...

SOTS #3 Biogeochemical Cycles and Your Plants

  I’ve noticed that my kale plants are growing rapidly amongst grasses. It’s green and starting to show the texture of kale. Our plants are contributing to the water cycle by removing water from the ground and providing transpiration to the air. Due to them contributing to the water cycle they’re given the very life essential liquid, water. Without water they would shrivel up quickly. Our plants also contribute to the carbon cycle by taking in carbon and producing oxygen for other organisms to breathe. Due to them taking in carbon they grow being able to provide their own food source along with sunlight. Finally they contribute to the nitrogen cycle by taking in nitrogen from the soil and use it to help make their own food. Nitrogen is also passed on to other organisms that eat plants or when a plant dies and decomposes that nitrogen is reused by other plants. Without our plants taking a part in the nitrogen cycle they would die of starvation. This is why when one of the plants die...

Leo Alexander -SOTS #3

Recently, i noticed that the kale plant is getting pretty big. It looks like a sprout but with a red outline. Last night it rained, which is why the plant looks like it had dew on it this morning. Also, it is green because of the chloroplast inside of the leaves that lets them use carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, and then turn it into oxygen. It is just going to get bigger, and that's because of nitrogen. In nature, bacteria refine nitrogen, which is consumed by the plant to make it cells.

Food inc essay

I do not think that people should be allowed to own the DNA of anything. If you could, then some companies might offer to change the genes of embryos to immunize them in the womb. Then after they are born the company could claim that they had a right to their DNA, and therefore their person, effectively making them slaves. Then they could make an army try to take over the world. And I think we can all agree that it would be bad.